Wooden Monolith Sign Posts
Our Wooden Monolith Sign Posts are an unusual yet intriguing design of sign that can be utilised in situations where signs are imperative yet discretion is of the essence. They are designed to catch the eye and so are often used to give notification of hazards and other health and safety requirements.

We specialise in making our Wooden Monolith Sign Posts from FSC-Certified English Oak and are ideally suited for use in refined environments where standard 'off the shelf' signs tend to create a visual imperfection.
Wooden Monolith Sign Post with 1-way top and engraved warning sign
Wooden Monolith Sign Post made from English Oak, with pinstipe and engraved and infilled lettering
Wooden Monolith Signs provide plenty of surface area for displaying lettering, logos and symbols alongside intermediate directional information.

The vertical orientation of the sign condenses the displayed information into a narrow viewpoint, which reduces the amount of time taken to read compared to more landscape-oriented layouts. Thus, making this style of sign more suited to displaying more important directions or warnings.
English Oak Monolith Sign with a smooth sanded, fresh sawn finish and 2-way sloped top
Wooden Monolith Sign Post with speed limit warning symbol and rounded top
Wooden Monolith Entrance Sign with curved top and engraved and infilled lettering
Wooden Monolith Sign with a painted surface finish and warning symbols
English Oak Monolith Sign Post with engraved and painted warning symbols
Wooden Monolith Entrance Sign made from English Oak with a smooth sanded, fresh sawn finish
Branding, lettering and symbols are engraved into the surface of the wood, then infilled with durable, weather resistant paints. Custom graphics panels made from GRP, bonded aluminium and other metals can also be inset to display complex images and create more visual impact.
Our wooden Monolith Signs are available with a range of different surface finishes - Painted, Fresh-Sawn, Oiled, and more.

The painted finish enhances the appearance of the sign and greatly reduces the effects of weathering. The fresh-sawn finish keeps the smooth sanded natural surface finish of the oak and develops a beautiful weathered patina over time. The oiled finish is a multi-coat application of oil on top of the fresh-sawn finish that enhances the grain pattern of the oak and reduces the effects of weathering. This finish is easily maintained by regular re-applications of oil each year.
These signs can feature a range of shaped tops, such as 1-way, 2-way or 4-way sloped tops, curved, rounded, or any custom design. With a shaped top a wooden Monolith Sign Post can make a very elegant entrance sign or way finding post.

If you would like to know more about our Monolith Signs or to request a quotation or estimate for a project, please get in touch.
Wooden Monolith Sign Post made from English Oak with a smooth sanded, fresh sawn finish and curved top